Woman booted from flight for wearing low-cut bodysuit

Published Jul 24, 2019


Some of us dress for comfort when flying. Others just want to reflect their personal style, no matter the place or time. 

So imagine one woman's discomfort when a Spanish low-cost airline refused to let her board her flight because of her "questionable" dress code.

The woman, dressed in a low-cut bodysuit, was booted from the flight because it was deemed to be a swimsuit, according to a report by the  New York Post.

While boarding a Vueling flight in Palma, the woman and her boyfriend were stopped by a flight attendant because of what she was wearing. Her friends gave her some clothes to cover up, but she was still refused access and sent back to the terminal.

Her sister then posted a tweet aimed at the airline.“Today the wonderful company @vueling has banned my sister from boarding simply by wearing a low-cut body. Several people have left her clothes to ‘cover’ and yet they haven’t let her up,” @olgacrvnts wrote in Spanish. She included a video clip of the incident.

%%%twitter https://twitter.com/vueling?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@vuelingle ha prohibido el embarque a mi hermana simplemente por llevar un body escotado. Varias personas le han dejado ropa para que se “tapase” y aun así no la han dejado subir. pic.twitter.com/wxiYguA4qt

— Erl. (@olgacrvnts)

Spanish newspaper Ideal.es reported that the woman was wearing a denim mini-skirt on top of the black bodysuit, along with a pair of shorts. She reportedly jokingly offered to cover up with a sarong and believes the crew member took offense at her attempt at humour.

The airline replied to the sister on Twitter, saying its travel policy applied to men and women alike “to defend and protect the safety of all passengers on board, to regulate their behavior for the benefit of all.”

But when asked if they found her outfi offensive, other passengers said they hadn’t been offended and had seen worse on planes.

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