Author’s debut book looks at atrocities committed in the dark old days of South Africa

Colin Jooste publishes his first solo book. Supplied

Colin Jooste publishes his first solo book. Supplied

Published Jul 30, 2022


Cape Town - Based on historical events and the people who moulded and damaged the country, Colin Jooste’s debut solo book, “Setjhabasa South Africa A Rear View” reflects on the atrocities of the old South Africa and the shenanigans of the new leadership .

Jooste said: “Setjhabasa South Africa A Rear View reflects a component of the history of South Africa, the sinking of the SS Mendi and freedom for slaves. Famous personalilities as well as some notorious ones are featured in Setjhabasa SA A Rear View.

“The book is essentially a compilation of historical events in poetic form and short stories, which makes it an easy (and) fun way to acquaint the younger generation with the history of their country,” he said.

He said the book will be of great benefit for born-frees and high school pupils.

“High school pupils are the born-frees who were not exposed to the harsh and cruel realities of the inhumane laws of the apartheid regime. Most of them find it unbelievable that we allowed a handful of pink racist bandits, who called themselves white, to rob us not only of our basic human rights but also plundered South Africa of its wealth.The book casts light on those dark days.

“Setjhabasa SA A Rear View is currently being considered by the Department of Basic Education(DBE) as a prescribed book for high schools. Every five years DBE calls for books to be considered for their catalogue of prescribed books. The catalogue is then made available to schools throughout South Africa,” he added.

A friend of Jooste, Kennard Kotze, said Jooste is something of a paradox.

“He embodies both simplicity and complexity. He has a strong sense of correctness and expects the highest level of moral and ethical standards of individuals. During the course of the profession he has followed, he has had many interesting encounters with influential and ordinary people, which has enriched his life with many stories to tell. He has an eye for the aesthetically pleasing, a creative mind and an empathetic soul.

“I have been acquainted with Colin on a social and professional level for a few decades. Over a period of time we have worked together on a number of occasions and shared our personal perspectives on a range of life’s perplexing questions. Most importantly, we share a love for language, both English and Afrikaans,” Kotze said.

Jooste is currently working on a number of books, including one on District Six.

Setjhabasa South Africa A Rear View retails at R195 from selected PNA stores or email: [email protected].

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