Pyjama picnic for those with chronic illnesses will be sick

Organisers Mlindeni Gabela and Sam Pearce of MELCuSA showing their SICK Pride.

Organisers Mlindeni Gabela and Sam Pearce of MELCuSA showing their SICK Pride.

Published Nov 12, 2023


It’s been dubbed a “SICK Pride” parade where people with energylimiting chronic illness will converge in celebration as well as to raise awareness.

Themed “Pyjama Picnic”, SICK Pride will take place at the scenic and tranquil Arderne Gardens, Claremont, tomorrow, November 12, from 2–4pm.

The event is organised by SICK (Society for the Inclusion of Chronic Knowledge) and supported by MELCuSA (ME and Long Covid Unite South Africa, formerly the ME CFS Foundation South Africa) and endorsed by the World ME Alliance.

Co-founder Mlindeni Gabela said the goal was to make “invisible illnesses” visible in South Africa.

Co-organiser Sam Pearce said: “This is an important event, it’s the first of its kind, but we hope that it will set a template for other countries to follow.”

Attendees are encouraged to wear their favourite sleepwear and to bring blankets and snacks.

“We can’t march, as many people with ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) or long Covid struggle to stand up and breathe at the same time. But we can certainly lounge in style.”

People with ME, long Covid, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), fibromyalgia, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) or any condition “where you have to pace yourself to survive”, including carers and supporters, have been invited to attend.

Organisers have assured that the site is wheelchair accessible and a Covid-19 safe and shaded space will be made available for the immuno-compromised.

Singer and songwriter Ernestine Deane will be opening the event with a ritual for rest. Long Covid Centre founder Dr Uvi Naidoo will deliver a short speech on his latest research and gospel singer Nosie Dyantyi-Mwanda will be rendering soulful prayers for healing.

For more information, contact Gabela at 078 937 9393 or email Sam Pearce on [email protected].

Weekend Argus

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